FFVII - Nostalgia or Love?


Is Final Fantasy 7 a truly great game? Or has nostalgia made Ryan look at it with a rose colored glasses? Join one of the pixel weekly hosts and his quest to replay Final Fantasy 7 before Final Fantasy 15 is released  is Final Fantasy 7 a truly great game? Or has nostalgia made Ryan look at it with a rose colored glasses? Join one of the pixel weekly hosts and his quest to replay final fantasy seven before Final Fantasy 15 is released,  and Final Fantasy 7 is remade.   

Check back here each week to see new episodes added in Ryan's adventure to see if he really loves Final Fantasy 7 of it's not quite as good as he remembers. As a content warning, these streams are not edited for language.

Episode 1

Opening Cinematic to Don Corneo

Joined by his friend Davis Barber and a conspireiously silent cousin Kris, Ryan begins his Final Fantasy 7 adventure.

The Crisis in Sector 7 - Shinra HQ

Davis joins in and does an offensive impression of the 1990's executives at Squaresoft. 

The Motorcycle Escape - A Trip to Nibelheim

Davis joins in and does an offensive impression of the 1990's executives at Squaresoft.

Catching a Chocobo and The Battle for Yuffie.

Undercover on a boat hiding from the turks and the Shinra president and Cosa Del Sol.