Zelda Breath of The Wild Soundtrack Artwork
Like many of you, I no longer had a CD drive hanging around my house, so I had a friend bring in her Apple Superdrive and I recently ripped the Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Sound Selection CD to my Mac in Apple lossless format.
Then I had a bunch of tracks without album artwork. So I scanned in the cover included with the Breath of the Wild Special Edition and did some cropping and color correction for it to work well in iTunes and other modern music apps. I decided to publish it here so that others who have gone digital with their Zelda Breath of the Wild Soundtrack can have some 3000 by 3000 pixel artwork to go along with their tracks.
And since I'm a designer, I couldn't help but be distracted by the dot lines from the printing, so I decided to source art from across the web to find the paintings used for the CD, where I lost the shrine trimming and recreated the title placement wholesale.
Ryan's Version