Scalebound Cancelled
First Kotaku was saying the Xbox One exclusive Scalebound was in trouble, today Polygon cites Eurogamer saying the game is dead. Here's the quote from Microsoft:
“After careful deliberation, Microsoft Studios has come to the decision to end production for Scalebound. We’re working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including Halo Wars 2, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves and other great experiences. For more information on our 2017 plans, please visit:”
I think I share the feeling of a lot of Xbox fans when I say that this game has always looked like a bit of a stinker for me, if not a potentially novel call back to my Phantasy Star Online days with giant co-op boss fights. There's a video below showing what the game looked like the last time it was shown at E3. Between this, Star Fox Zero, and TMNT, I'm not touching anything Platinum Games does with a 7 foot pole until I see overwhelmingly positive critical reception from one of their next titles.
Still, as an Xbox fan, I'm still bummed out that we lost an exclusive. After this past year, I think Xbox needs a year of diversity in it's portfolio and some of the latest titles like Scalebound and Re-Core are looking like mismanaged attempts to start new franchises for the Xbox team.